Monday, October 6, 2008

McCain's economic plan: complete disaster

Under the Bush economic policies, we have seen the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Not only that, but we have seen the economy go into a recession with the threat of an outright depression.

So instead of looking at the results of Bush's economic policies, John McCain wants to do what? Intensify Bush's policies by giving yet more tax breaks to the super wealthy?

I personally don't believe in the idea of trickle-down economics, but I am willing to admit that it could work in some situations IN MODERATION. The fact that Bush has not exercised restraint in deploying it means that the solution to correct the problem is to move back in the other direction (ie focusing on helping the individual directly rather than focusing on helping big business directly and hoping the individual will somehow benefit).

McCain should be able to see that Bush has gone too far, but he doesn't, and that is one big reason why he is not fit to be president; because his economic plan would plunge us even deeper into the economic mess we currently are already in.

Everyone should be taxed the exact same percentage all the from the poorest among us to the richest among us, with a few exceptions. That is fair, and that's what I want to see happen.

Obama understands this and that's why he's going to fix taxes so the rich are paying more of their fair share.